Rainbowfish Id Pls


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
Our LFS had these listed as Red rainbowfish. They weren't sure though since these obviously aren't red. They were thinking that maybe they were females.
They're still young obviously. ONly about an inch and a half long right now.

Photo isn't great but hopefully it helps.

They have a very shiny golden/yellow color to them.

Just wondering if female rainbowfish aren't as colorful? If so, then are these reds or If not, then just curious what kind they could be?
Hi, the Red Rainbowfish usually refers to Glossolepis incisus however most lfs here (Uk) seem to randomly attribute names to them regardless of what they are. This is a photo of male & female G incisus courtesy of Adrian Tappins excellent rainbowfish site Home of the Rainbowfish. Hopefully this picture is allowed...
Hmm so it looks like the LFS guy was correct.
Just hpe they get some males for sale soon. They have a display tank up front with the prettiest rainbowfish in it that aren't for sale and it's always such a tease seeing them when they don't have the same quality ones up for purchase.
The ones for sale are probably juveniles and/or stressed from the environment and travel and the ones in the display tank are probably more mature and settled. Rainbows in shops tend to look quite bland due to the youth and stress and colour up once settled. Some won't reach maturity and full colouration until they are a few years old so you may find the ones for sale will look like the display fish in time.
Are you in the UK?
Nope, I'm in the US :)

I hope these color up more, but if not then that's ok. I think they're pretty as the color they are. We're still going to be on the look out for more though.

Going to have to take photos of the ones they have in their display tank. I'm sure some of them are hybrids but they are SOOO pretty. I'll have to remember to next time.
In the US, we have access to www.aquabid.com. Right now rainbow breeders are busy with the warm months ahead.

These rainbows are going to be really nice fish if taken care of. Some of the best breeders sell their stock here.

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