Okay my sisters new Betta Rainbow(Snowflake passed away) is kinda weird. He doesn't make bubble nests and he doesn't flare. Is something wrong with him?
It is wierd but did he have black stuff working up his fins if he did this is normal it meen that the betta was either streesed our out killed his fighting ability
sometimes they don't feel like making bubble nests or flaring.
what size tank is he in? how long have you had him? how often do you do water changes? do you ever show him a mirror?
Some just don't. I wouldn't pressure him, he'll decide when he feels good and ready to be macho, probably when he's definately established a trritory in his tank.
Welcome Rainbow! Tropico would regularly make bubble nests when he was temporarily housed in the 1 gallon plastic tub but now he's got the 5 gallon he seems to be "above" all that and doesn't bother. He's too busy nosing around among the plants, hoping I tossed more guppy fry in for him to chase and hunt. And each Betta has a different personality, some are so "in your face"--Tropico will bump the side of the tank if I don't feed him first, and others are sooooo laid back.
Oh yeah, Tropico would flare in the 1 gallon but doesn't bother now, maybe having more room means less need to defend his space??? Who knows.....
I was going to write this morning that only one of my five male bettas has ever made a bubble nest, and only one ever flares. But this afternoon I discovered that three of the five males have bubble nests. The last time I changed the water, I left the tanks closer to each other than normal, and Challenger decided to flare at Barracuda. Today they each have nests, and so does George. These are the first for each of these guys. I've had them several months with no action--I think some just aren't as inclined to show off as the others. I wouldn't worry about the betta as long as he's active and healthy looking otherwise.
Don't worry about it. some fish are just milder than others, and he might be picky about his bubblenest habits, some fish only nest when it rains, or when a female is visible. Don't worry about it, unless the fish is acting sick and/or clampy, or has disease symptoms.
sometimes they need something to flare at such as a female or 2 to show off to, if he isnt getting the right stimulas he wont flare or blow nests, he could be lonely, has he got tank mates or is he on his own
my bruce was in a 2 gal unheated unfiltered bowl over the summer, lots of bubble nests, big ones.
moved to a 5 gallon filtered heated hex, no bubbles at all ever and very little flaring
now hes in a 3 or 4 gallon heated but not filtered acrylic tank, and over the last few days has blown the HUGEST bubble nest he's ever blown, and flares at anything thats near his tank.
the 5 gallon hex was the most expensive tank. psh! no pleasing some fishies!