Rainbow Snakeheads


Fish Addict
Jan 18, 2005
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Greece and USA (dual citizenship)
Anyone have some good links to them? i dont know why but i think google's put a curse onme they never fid me anything usefull!!!! all i can find is fish and game sites that say not to release them and stuff.........
Channa bleheri like all snakeheads are illegal in the US so unless you know some black market breeders you wont find any.

They are one of the smallest snakehead species and rarely exceed 6 inches in length, care is very similar to that of Channa gachua.

This is one of the two I bought, and below are some more.




However, not too long after adding the two of them to a 6x2x2 one of them disappeared. I don't know the cause but the other snakehead could be a suspect.

They grow to between 8 and 12" with the shorter end more common in aquaria. I believe you can squeeze one in a 20 gallon but will need a fair amount more for more than one.


Nice pics Andy :) Those C. bleheri are one of my favorite dwarf Channa. The other Channa I would love to have are the C. aurantimaculata, C. pleurophthalma, and the elusive C. barca.
Hi im new to this forum. These Bleheri look great, im interested in some but having difficulty finding them. Do you know of any stores where delivery might be possible, i live in Yorkshire. Also are your snakeheads the 'Assam Blue' variety, supposedly smaller, is there any real difference!? Any advice much appreciated!
Someone i know's dad used to keep trhem he said that his dad used to feed him guppys shouldi believe this?
The only well known mail order UK site is trimar

Cheers for the link, they havent got snakeheads at the mo. but im requesting for some if they get some in stock.

Whats the main diet for your snakeheads??

I was considering keeping them with my firemouths, but iv heard if they decide to breed they might kill everything in the tank to protect their young. Have you heard of this behavior, or would i be better just keeping one? It just seems a little unfair when their apparently quite social - for snakeheads!
I couldn't comment on that as I orignally had two and now have one, why I lost that one I don't know. It may have been aggression.

I do understand that once they pair then the rest of the tank is in peril, though I do not know how that would manifest itself in a large tank setup (I know they are likely to try and kill any other snakeheads in a smaller setup)
They are very beutiful fish, its a shame that people couldn't be a little more responsible here in the US, or we would still have them around. :/

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