Hey, this species of snakehead is a dwarf right, and grows to only 20cm? Are they just greedy like bichirs and will eat smaller fish or actually aggresive and will harrass? Just i gt a 30 gal wit a senegalus bichir and just wondered if it wuld work?
That combination should work out ok but there is always the slim chance that the snakehead may kill the bichir, all snakeheads are unpredictable and can do extreem ammounts of damage in a very short time.
o do they have teeth then? cause bichirs and others dont. I just wondered, there hard to research and they r cool looking. My bichir is the most docile fish ive kept, but he use to get harassed by a angelicus catfish so i cant keep aggrice fish wit him. The bichir is ful grown, is there still a chance of it been eating?
Yep, snakeheads do have teeth. And most likely the snakehead wont eat the bichir, but it certainly can kill it. And it may, since they can become very aggressive for reasons unknown at times.