Rainbow Snakehead

What size tank do they need and are they go with any other fish
Iv got 3 rainbow snakeheads in a 4 foot 250 litre. There are in there on their own. They need a species only tank and are sub tropical. Ideal temp is 19 degrees c. They need lots of plant cover and hiding places and dim lighting. It's best to get about 5 or 6 of them, let 2 pair up and then re home the others. Use a sand bottom. I dont tend to see much of mine as they spend most of the time hiding. When I see them it's either because they come up for air or it's feeding time. Rainbows (channa bleheri) grow to 6-8 inches and they do have teeth. Mine rip apart prawns and river shrimp like its nothing
If is a true rainbow(Channa Bleheri), it might push 7-8 inches, but realistically 5. So does not need massive space. A 36x12x18 inch, or bigger would be ok. Snakeheads are aggressive fish and don't mix well. As such I can't say what would be a good tank mate, but sure someone here knows
Mines a 3 ft 120 l so to small for me unfortunately :( lol
They are not advised to be kept with tank mates in any occasions. I would of thought your tank would be ok for a pair...

You really do have to own them to realise just how impressive they are. I thought I'd give it a go because I had a tank lying around and now I'd never regret it. Awesome fish and stunning colours. I can't explain just how nice they are. Go for it and you won't look back :)
To answer your question, yes they have teeth. Though much smaller and not as eveil as the bigger Channa.
In-fact, Bleheri are one of the most docile Channa.Your tank will be fine for a group of 6 juvenile Bleheri.
Will be OK until you get a pair.
At that time, remove and sell/give away the rest and the pair will be OK for life in the 120.

They are stunning fish if kept right.
Here are some pics of mine that I have posted before.
You should get similar results if you can keep the conditions correct (temp, ph, dim lighting, insane plantation, floating plantation etc)


Thoes are really nice I might have a look about if I decided to get rid of my stock

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