Rainbow Sharks


Fish Herder
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Warwickshire, UK
I've googled and read the profile on here and there's a lot of conflicting information on various internets sites about these "sharks", so I'd love to hear some answers from people who actually own them.

I understand that they are aggressive to their own kind and thus only one should be kept.
Now, some sites say that they are OK with other community fish, some say they are aggressive to other fish...

How fast do they grow? The ones my LFS has for sale are less than 2" at present (they're smaller than my danio females).

My current tank is 125L, 80cmL x 35cmW x 45cmH. Based on the adult size of a rainbow shark being 6"/15cm(A) and the ratio that a tank should be 3*A long x 2*A wide x 2*a high - in this case 45cm x 30cm x 30cm, I'd venture to say that my tank would potentially be big enough? Although I know that we would be upgrading tank sizes within a couple of years anyway.

Current stocking is 3 zebra danios, 3 leopard danios, 3 peppered corys, 3 albino corys.
Future stocking considerations are neon tetras, micro rasboras, harlequin rasboras or white tip tetras - would any of these become food? Even if they were resident before the "shark"? At what size does a rainbow shark start to snack on smaller fish? I mean surely a 2" "shark" isn't about to snack on a 1-2" neon for example? Again this comes back to the question of how fast do they actually grow?

There's quite a lot of plant coverage in my tank, bogwood and hiding caves (it doesn't look much like my siggy picture anymore LOL). It's filtered by a fluval 405 external filter turning 1300lph.
RTB and Rainbow sharks won't attack and kill smaller fish, however they can become extremely territorial and particular aggressive to similar looking species.

Personally considering their levels of aggression i would never consider keeping one in anything less than a 50USG tank,

In your tank the Danios may be chased as they are have a similar body shape and the cories may be subject to aggression if they enter the territory of the shark.
(In smaller tanks the levels of aggression seem to be noticeably more)

Mine is in a 63USG and occasionally bothers my 5 Giant Danios and a Garra, but is currently being constantly challenged by my flying fox
i was looking at one for my 75 gallon but it would not work with my clownloaches cos they have the same body shape

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