I have just been given 4 rainbow sharks to rehome and I am really not sure if I should keep them. I have a 400litre community tank with alsorts in it and it is getting quite crowded. Are 4 ok to keep together? The people who gave them to us said that they have always been fine together and that was in a 240-300litre tank. (not sure of exact size)
Will they get more stroppy as they get older? How big will they get? I have 4 silver (bala) sharks 2 quite big, 2 still small - will they terrorise these fish?
Please help. We would like to keep them as they add a much needed splash of colour to our tank but if they are going to be a pain then they will have to go.
Would keeping one be better/ok?
Any help gratefully received!!
Will they get more stroppy as they get older? How big will they get? I have 4 silver (bala) sharks 2 quite big, 2 still small - will they terrorise these fish?
Please help. We would like to keep them as they add a much needed splash of colour to our tank but if they are going to be a pain then they will have to go.
Would keeping one be better/ok?
Any help gratefully received!!