Rainbow Sharks


Fish Fanatic
Jun 22, 2004
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alright ive had 2 rainbow sharks for 2 years now.. and i honestly have never seen them eat.. i dont know how they survive.. recently i put 3 cucumber slices in my tank but they are untouched... what do they eat and when cuz i sure as heck never seen them do it.. :blink:
I'm glad your having such good luck with your rfbs'. Mine have been absolute terrors. They eat all the food and chase any fish that tries to get any. Absolute tyrants in both of the tanks I have them in. Have you noticed any aggression between the two? They are only supposed to be aggressive with fish of the same or similair species, (mine try to kill everything except my 10" pleco and my 1" white clouds) They eat anything you put in the tank from my experience. I often feed the rfbs' in my 55 from my hand. I assure you that they are eating since they've lived 2 years. =) Mine go after flake and algae wafers the quickest btw.
at first when i got them they gre very fast..now there not growing.. suprisingly they usualy only show aggression to themselves just chasing each other around nothin to serious..they do like to pester my dwarf frog tho..

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