Rainbow Sharks In Community Tanks?


New Member
May 16, 2009
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im considering buying a rainbow shark but i didn't want to take any chances since i'd be putting him in a community tank; of 30gallons.
is it a bad idea to add him?
most of the fish in my community tank go get past 3"-4"
I'm not really an expert but the sharks can get pretty decent size and are very territorial. What else do you have in the tank or plan to add to the tank?
I'm not really an expert but the sharks can get pretty decent size and are very territorial. What else do you have in the tank or plan to add to the tank?

umm right now i have zebra danios, neon tetras, and dwarf guourmi (im bad at spelling)
but yeah im not really looking for any territorial fish in my commmunity tank so ill prob just get them another time when im done cycling my other tank

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