Rainbow Shark


Fish Crazy
Jul 14, 2007
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a while ago i got 4 pristella tetras but the shop keeper failed to notice a dark little rainbow shark (around 1 inch) he accidentally scooped up whilst chasing the last pristella and dumped it in the bag unknowingly
question is: what happens next?
he isnt really killing anything but he does give the silver shark (4 inch) what for as he is constantly pummeling him when he strays to close
no lost scales or problems caused with the silver shark
should i leave him in or get rid of him?

What a brave little Rainbow, eh?

The general rule is not to mix different types of sharks as they will become aggressive towards each other and it'll be constant war in your tank. Also, your silver shark is only 4" at present but they grow to over a foot long, whereas the rainbow shark will only grow to about 5-6" - so eventually the silver shark will be more than double the size of the rainbow and you can imagine how bullied the rainbow will get (if he survives the ordeal).

I would say separate them for a happier tank environment!

What a brave little Rainbow, eh?

The general rule is not to mix different types of sharks as they will become aggressive towards each other and it'll be constant war in your tank. Also, your silver shark is only 4" at present but they grow to over a foot long, whereas the rainbow shark will only grow to about 5-6" - so eventually the silver shark will be more than double the size of the rainbow and you can imagine how bullied the rainbow will get (if he survives the ordeal).

I would say separate them for a happier tank environment!


i know lol he sure has a great attitude towards life
i was thinking of setting up another tank for aggressive fish (only a 25 gal though)
would this do? and what else would i be able to put in with him?
i was also thinking of selling my silver shark to my lfs as i cannot house him to be any larger than he is
unfortunately i might have to sell him :-(
and i dont really trust the local fish market enough to sell him away
Well, you could have a group of rainbow sharks as they are ok kept in groups of their own kind (more than 2) - you can also mix certain gourami's with them (kissing/pearl/croaking), Otto's, cherry barbs, zebra danios, to name a few.

I have a small pair of pink convicts in the 3ft tank with my rainbow shark - they both have their own territory in the tank and for the best part leave each other alone - except when the convicts have spawned, the male gets over-protective and will swim to the other end of the tank just to have a dig at the poor shark who is usually just resting there minding his own business LOL!

Well, you could have a group of rainbow sharks as they are ok kept in groups of their own kind (more than 2) - you can also mix certain gourami's with them (kissing/pearl/croaking), Otto's, cherry barbs, zebra danios, to name a few.

I have a small pair of pink convicts in the 3ft tank with my rainbow shark - they both have their own territory in the tank and for the best part leave each other alone - except when the convicts have spawned, the male gets over-protective and will swim to the other end of the tank just to have a dig at the poor shark who is usually just resting there minding his own business LOL!

the poor thing getting bullied by a convict cichlid :lol:

otto's? ive never tryed them. How many could i keep in a 25 gallon tank?
i like the idea of zebra danios and cherry barbs very active fishtank in my opinion
mabey i could add 2 or 3 australian rainbows in with them? just to add a diversity of colour and what about dwarf gouramis instead?
sure would be a nice tank
just to note above, silver sharks (aka bala sharks, if im thinking the same fish you are), arent even an actual type of shark, and arent aggressive atall. HOWEVER, im assuming its gunna get too big for your tank, PLUS they like being in groups of 3+

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