Rainbow Shark?


New Member
Jul 20, 2005
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Southern NH USA
I just got two fish from my neighbor, a 5" Shark and a 6" Pleco. My neighbor had been keeping them in a 10 gallon octagonal tank with no room to swim. I moved them to my 55 gallon tank where they seem to be very happy. My question is what kind of shark is he, rainbow, red tailed, red finned, or are they all the same? Also do I have to worry about agressiveness towards my neon tetra, platys, cory cats, or phantom tetras? Thanks.



It's a Red Finned Shark/Rainbow. These are very similar to the Red Tailed Black Shark but are reported to be slightly less aggressive(matter of opinion). I think you may have a problem with your \Neon Tetras or any others of a similar size, especially if they are not fully grown. This will depend on the sharks personality though which you will find out pretty quickly due to it being fully grown already. Lovely looking fish though, very good condition.
yep, thats almost certainly a rainbow shark. they grow to about 10" in length and are quite aggressive in nature. i wouldnt advise you to keep it with your neon tetras. these fish are bullies and are quite adept at ripping fins.
Looks like a RTBS to me, the pictures are very dark but the body looks too stocky for a rainbow shark. The colour also seems to be jet black which would indicate a RTBS as rainbow's tend to be lighter but could do with a brighter pic to be sure.
Looks like a RTBS to me, the pictures are very dark but the body looks too stocky for a rainbow shark. The colour also seems to be jet black which would indicate a RTBS as rainbow's tend to be lighter but could do with a brighter pic to be sure.

I would have to agree. RTBS are jet black whereas rainbows are more grey. A better pic and we can id it 100% for sure
But of all the RTBS i've seen, their dorsal, pectoral and anal fins have been black, and only the caudal fin red....

Whereas the rainbow/red finned shark, all the fins have been red, as is the case with this one.

Though apologies if i'm wrong :unsure:
But of all the RTBS i've seen, their dorsal, pectoral and anal fins have been black, and only the caudal fin red....

Whereas the rainbow/red finned shark, all the fins have been red, as is the case with this one.

Though apologies if i'm wrong :unsure:

Thats a good point, how did i not notice. Its definetly a Rainbow shark, well spotted oddball lover :good:
Defo 100% a red fin/ rainbow shark or Labeo frenatus

You can tell by the simple fact thet all the fins are red where with red tails, the name gives it away, it only has a red tail.

Body colour has to matter, some are grey and other are black just depends on the fish.
It will max out at 6" aswell not the 10". Although it will still probably kill the neons.
You might have one of the rare peaceful ones. :rolleyes:
I had to take the tank apart to catch mine, to remove it, as it chased everything even much bigger fish.Got really nasty at feeding time. :crazy:
But of all the RTBS i've seen, their dorsal, pectoral and anal fins have been black, and only the caudal fin red....

Whereas the rainbow/red finned shark, all the fins have been red, as is the case with this one.

Doh! :blink: - Of course that is correct, its just a well fed rainbow shark. :lol:

You'd think having owned 2 RTBS in the past - i'd have spotted that one. :rofl:
Thanks for all the info! :) . I'll definately have to keep an eye on him and try to move the tetras into another tank to be safe. So far he doesn't look very aggressive and hides in his cave most of the day, but its not worth taking chances :/ .

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