Fish Herder
I've had my rainbow shark for about a year. When I first got him, my 29 gallon was pretty low on stocking. The only other fish were my yoyo loach and chinese algae eater. When we bought him he wasn't aggressive at all, he even seemed to get along with everyone. But now that we've slowly built the stocking back up he's getting out of hand. We just happened upon a petstore that actually had more yoyo loaches (we haven't been able to find them for a few years now) and he's harassing them terribly. He'll ram his body against one of them and he'll chase the oldest yoyo around, biting him. ugh. I've come to realize what a mistake it was in choosing to get him in the first place. I'd love to move him to another one of the tanks but that just wouldn't work, I've got the two 10 gallons one with a betta, an otto cat, and some shrimp and the other with a female betta. I do have my new 55 gallon but we just got it this weekend and we need to cycle it before putting any fish in. I do have an empty 10 gallon that I've yet to set up but then that isn't cycled yet either, and it doesn't have a hood so he could jump, and plus it's just too small.
So in the end, I think the best thing would be to wait until the 55 gallon is cycled and move every fish into the 55, but keep him in the 29. My question is, what tank mates could he have that he WOULDN'T terrorize? Or would he have to be completely alone? See, this is what happens when you don't look into a fish before buying it. -sigh- I've definitely learned my lesson with that.
So in the end, I think the best thing would be to wait until the 55 gallon is cycled and move every fish into the 55, but keep him in the 29. My question is, what tank mates could he have that he WOULDN'T terrorize? Or would he have to be completely alone? See, this is what happens when you don't look into a fish before buying it. -sigh- I've definitely learned my lesson with that.