Rainbow Shark Or Red-tailed Black Shark?


Jul 31, 2007
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Norwich, UK
Hey all after numerous people saying I could house a Rainbow Shark in my 39Gallon tank.

Since both the RS and the RTBS are the same size I'm guessing its the same needs etc...

So could you please tell me if these stocking lists would work?

Stocking List 1:
1 Rainbow Shark (male if possible, I hear they are smaller then the females)
6-7 Neon Tetra's or Black Neon Tetra's
1 Golden Nugget Plecostamus Or 4-5 Ottocinclus

Stocking List 2:
1 Red-Tailed Black Shark
6-7 Neon Tetra's or Black Neon Tetra's
1 Golden Nugget Plecostamus Or 4-5 Ottocinclus

I would like the shark that nobody has *not very popular* so I'm guessing that's the Rainbow Shark, as I'm finding it hard to look for information on forums of people that actually have one.

But I'd like to see your views.

Tomorrow I'm going to my LFS *garden centre* to get 2 more Cabomba plants, but I'm unsure of what other plants to get, that are easy to keep.

Also should I continue to soak my pieces of mopani wood *they were in the tank, but were tingeing the water etc, so I've taken them out and currently soaking them*. Or should I get some already soaked wood?

Here's what the tank looks like as I speak:

The plants are: Cabomba and Anubias Nana.
The 2 cabomba I get tomorrow would go next to the current Cabomba, but I'd also like some plants on the right but have no idea of what to get, any help in that area?

So tell me what you lot think.
Thankyou for taking the time to read, and I just hope you reply,
slakey :)
Stocking list one or two would both work (of course you wouldn't be able to keep two sharks together though) :good: .
I personally have a red tailed black shark, they are one of the few fish in the hobby that have true red colouring and true black colouring on their bodies and are very striking and beautiful fish indeed. My RTBS was adopted off a friend, although even if i hadn't adopted the fish i probably would have ended up getting one anyway sooner or later as i have always liked such sharks.
My RTBS gets along very well with the neons, white cloud mountain minnows and various types of danio's and corys and plecos that inhabit the tank, although it sometimes gives a small chase to the yoyo loaches, clown loachs and guppys at feeding times when they try to nibble its algae wafers etc (these chase are never serious though, the RTBS has never injured a fish etc). RTBS seem to be least bothered by shoals of small indentical fish like neons, danio,s WCMM's etc and do not seem bothered by plecos (as long as they each have their own caves to live spend time in) and corys etc so your stocking should work out fine :thumbs: .
what Tokis-Pheonix said, but 39g is said to be a tad small for a RTBS, and the Rainbow too. though the Rainbow is more shy, and less active than the RTBS. it still needs swimming room. 100g is the most common comment on tank size, for the RTBS that is of course for an adult fish.
I think a 39gallon tank should be ok but it depends on the measurements of the tank, what is the length, width and height of the tank?
Rainbow sharks grow a bit larger than red tailed sharks, but neither fish are particularly large growing at 5-6inches tops long, as long as the tank is at least 3ft long and has a decent width it should be fine. The main thing is that the tank is long enough and wide enough, since although these fish may spend a long time just bumbling along patrolling their little territory, they can be very fast swimmers when choose to be and so need a long and wide enough tank to excercise/do this properly when they want to etc :thumbs: .
Length: 81CM >>> 2.66'
Height: 50CM >>> 1.6'
Width: 36CM >>> 1.2'

I guess that rules me out for having one... Shame as I just got back from a LFS and they had 4 Albino Rainbow Sharks :(
i have a 3" rtb that gets on fine with my larger rainbow shark, i would normally put this down to it being a 122 gallon tank, but they also swim together and often share the same cave! (as well as my pakistani loach) i didnt think it would work out at first, but thats been a good 6 month now!
i had a RS in my 30 gal and he swam around just fin the only problem i ran into with this fish was that either their just really aggressive or really territorial because he killed two angle fish and a dragon goby that i had living in the tank
id get the albino rainbow shark, i have one and she is adorable :blush: doesn't go after a thing, swims around a little then hides and pokes her head from underneather her peice of mopani wood. Ive heard aggression is reduce by ahveing hiding places? BTW, my tank is also 81x36x50.
Id say
1 rainbow shark (albino :rolleyes: )
7 caridnal tetras
5 ottos
1 plec

and youve probably got room for more....
I think the important thing to understand about these fish is that they are peaceful until they get to about 5". Then they turn TERRITORIAL.
id get the albino rainbow shark, i have one and she is adorable :blush: doesn't go after a thing, swims around a little then hides and pokes her head from underneather her peice of mopani wood.

We just had to take our Albino Shark back to the LFS today. :sad: We'd had Beano for over a year, and she was a brilliant fish. She had lived happily in a 125L tank with a selection of tiger, odessa, and a big lemon barb. A couple months ago, though, we had a massive tank problem--we mysteriously lost all our tigers and lemon barb. My husband decided to make a go of converting the barb tank into a Discus tank, without realizing you shouldn't put sharks in with Discus! As sweet as Beano is, there was something about the Discus that she liked to lick them. We tried to stick Beano in the larger 190L, hoping that there was enough space to give territory to both her and our other shark (and rainbow named Rum), but Rum proved too aggressive. We tried in the Discus tank again, but her behaviour was the same as before after a week or so, we had to make the call to take her back. I know it was the only call to make, but I loved that fish. There's something about the Albino's, and they're big red saucer eyes. I just take a little solace in the thought that I think someone will snap her up easily, as she's a beautiful fish with a lovely personality.
Veering off topic slightly...

The gold nugget plec is not suitable for the tank, unless of course you can 100% guaruntee you are getting a L081, but even then it gets a little big for a tank of that size and is not the hardiest of plecs.

I'd put that tank at the bottom limit for housing a RTBS but it could be done, you just need to be careful what you stock with it. I had one for years and occasionally it would chase the odd clown loach, but other than that it was a very peaceful, active and beautiful community fish.

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