Rainbow ID - Boesmani? Sold as Turquoise


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2019
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Hello, is this a female or juvenile Boesmani? It was sold as a turquoise and looked like one in the shop, but now in the tank at home I'm thinking it's a boesmani.
Could be a boesemani or a hybrid.

You should also try to take pictures of the fish by itself because you have the possible boesemani and lacustris and praecox in the same pics. Gets a bit hard trying to work out which fish you are talking about when there are several fish in the picture :)
Colin_T said:
Could be a boesemani or a hybrid.

You should also try to take pictures of the fish by itself because you have the possible boesemani and lacustris and praecox in the same pics. Gets a bit hard trying to work out which fish you are talking about when there are several fish in the picture :)

Apologies, you know what rainbows are like - they go where they please
I'm referring to the biggest one, who is bashing against the glass.

Here's a video: (ignore the noise!)

The main fish in the video looks like a boesemani.

One thing you should be aware of is hybrids. In the US, Europe, Asia, and even occasionally in Australia, shops sometimes get in hybrid rainbowfish. These can look like either of the parents or nothing like the parents. They usually have weird common names too. If you come across a fish which doesn't quite look right and doesn't have a scientific name, beware.

Most good shops won't carry hybrids but they can be sucked in and buy fish that look pure, only to have them turn out to be hybrids. Hybrid rainbowfish are fertile too so try to only buy pure strains of fish.
The main fish in the video looks like a boesemani.

One thing you should be aware of is hybrids. In the US, Europe, Asia, and even occasionally in Australia, shops sometimes get in hybrid rainbowfish. These can look like either of the parents or nothing like the parents. They usually have weird common names too. If you come across a fish which doesn't quite look right and doesn't have a scientific name, beware.

Most good shops won't carry hybrids but they can be sucked in and buy fish that look pure, only to have them turn out to be hybrids. Hybrid rainbowfish are fertile too so try to only buy pure strains of fish.

Have you had much experience with hybrids? I'd be worried it won't settle down with the lacustris and praecox. Hopefully it'll end up calming down over night.
I've seen and unknowingly bought a few hybrids.

Hybrid rainbows act normally and school with any other rainbows they are kept with.

Most fish (hybrid or pure bred), will settle down within a few hours to a day or so. If the fish is acting nervous, leave the room light (not tank light) on during the night so the fish has some light to see where it's going.

Add some salt too. 1-2 heaped tablespoons of salt per 20 litres (5 gallons). It can help calm them down.
I've seen and unknowingly bought a few hybrids.

Hybrid rainbows act normally and school with any other rainbows they are kept with.

Most fish (hybrid or pure bred), will settle down within a few hours to a day or so. If the fish is acting nervous, leave the room light (not tank light) on during the night so the fish has some light to see where it's going.

Add some salt too. 1-2 heaped tablespoons of salt per 20 litres (5 gallons). It can help calm them down.

I'll pass on the salt just because I know corys aren't great with salt (or so I've heard). Thanks for the info - she's a lovely fish so I'll gladly keep her if she shows that she's happy.

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