Rainbow Id Again


Mar 29, 2008
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Portadown/Norn Iron
Back again now there a bit older and more colour

Is there any chance these are Melanotaenia trifasciata? There a big male That's really starting to look like one. Showing yellow orange colours
Or is the feedback still generally hybrid :)?




They do look trifasciata, its the orange that makes me doubt it and could be crossed. There are quite an array of colouration in trifs though, so.....
They do look trifasciata, its the orange that makes me doubt it and could be crossed. There are quite an array of colouration in trifs though, so.....

The orange is strong in the smaller ones but the bigger ones are really going yellow and their black brands are really strong
Guess I wait a few more months then and post more pictures lol

Some of the fish are startng to show really bright yellows
I have a similar fish that I bought as an "Orange Rainbow", though mines fully grown now, I couldn't ID it so assumed it's a hybrid...?

Cool, I have a boesemani too but it's smaller at the moment. The rainbows are one of the reasons I'm getting a bigger tank, so would like to get more at some point, as I only have 2 right now.

Are hybrid rainbows common? Is there different types available?
They are unfortunately becoming very common as people pass on the hybrids or breed from them, usually around here they are known as Crossing rainbows I think.
i've been after a decisive opinion on the same issue for months and the concensus is that my fish is a hybrid. some say M. herbertaxelrodi (what it was sold to me as), some say M. trifasciata "Goyder River"...
i give up :rolleyes:

Are hybrid rainbows common? Is there different types available?

Quite common. Rainbows will interbreed with pretty much any other rainbow.

The fish sold as "M. marci" is apparently a hybrid that was given a scientific sounding name to mask it.

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