Rainbow Fish

I think rainbowfish are one of the most beautiful there is. :wub: The site Weirdfish linked to is one of the best on the net, imo. Remember that they are schooling fish that need lots of swimming room, that they should be kept in a mixed group of males and females, with at least a 1:1 ratio, or more females than males to minimize male aggression. Don't mix adult specimens of different species, particularly those in the same genus for they will easily interbreed and hybridize, and the rainbowfish police will hunt you down! :p I'm considering threadfins or praecox for my tank once my fishless cycle finally completes. I thought about boesmani or turquoise, but decided my tank really isn't big enough to keep the proper sized school with sufficient swimming room. If you have a bigger tank, the larger rainbowfish are really stunning, especially in a planted tank they really color up fabulously.

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