Rainbow Fish

Potentially yes, depending on species and numbers.
Can these be fin nippers?

As far as I am aware no, I kept a shoal of 8 a while back with some sailfin mollys, angels and some guppies and i dont recall any fin nipping problems so you should be ok but , your LFS should be able to correctly advise you on this
Are they more likely to fin nip then if kept in small numbers like 1 or 2 but in bigger groups not bother other fish?

Species possibly neon rainbowfish
They are more likely to nip in smaller number, as with most schooling fish. The only exception I know to that rule are Puntius denisonii, which apparently become very aggressive in large numbers, but can sometimes also be nippy in very small numbers.

I do not know the exact nippiness of Melanotaenia praecox with other species, but they should be kept in groups of at least 6 and with a 1m:2f or 1m:1f ratios, or all of one sex, to avoid con-specific aggression.
IME they do not nip, but I keep mine in a big group of mixed 'bows.
I've had some nip before. I'm not sure why they did it to this other fish, maybe the fish was showing signs of being sick or something, who knows, but one of my larger ones killed another by nipping it on its fins and mouth. *shrugs*

I still really wouldn't call them nippers though.
hi, I have 2 Melanotaenia lacustris (lake kutubu rainbowfish) and they dont nip, not even each other and one is larger than the other! I would say that they are very shy and realy should be in a shoal (im getting more the second they come into lfs, they only had the 2)
they are pretty fish though :) I certainly wouldnt suggest putting them in with mollies and platties, thay are far too greedy and eat all the food and hardly any floats down to the rainbows. Where you thinking of getting some or have you already got some?
Orli x

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