Rainbow Fish Type?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2010
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Can someone tell me the exact name of this type of rainbow fish. I want to find some more but don't know their name:

Its about 5-6 inches long.

Hard to say because apart from the most common species you don't often see pure strain Rainbows in this country.

It looks like it could be a type of Melanotania Splendida Inornata but hard to say. Highly likely it could be a hybrid.

Whatever it is it's a nice looking fish with a nice shape and colour but definitely not Boesmani.
I agree with James, it looks like a splendida/bosemani hybrid, especially with the over pronounced 'lumps' on the head and chest. Unless the owner got them as eggs from a reputable european breeder then it's not going to be a pure strain. My herbertaxelrodi (Lake Tebera) rainbows are also hybrids and I am happy with that as I kow I can't get anything better without driving to Germany!
I agree with James, it looks like a splendida/bosemani hybrid, especially with the over pronounced 'lumps' on the head and chest. Unless the owner got them as eggs from a reputable european breeder then it's not going to be a pure strain. My herbertaxelrodi (Lake Tebera) rainbows are also hybrids and I am happy with that as I kow I can't get anything better without driving to Germany!

I have 8 rainbows (all males) and at least 3 are hybrids, probably more.
#40##, I really wanted to find some more of them, guess I can't if its not a specific type. cheers for help
#40##, I really wanted to find some more of them, guess I can't if its not a specific type. cheers for help

Is there anything in particular you need to know?

was just wanting to be able to surf the classifieds or ring fish shops and ask them if they had this type of rainbow fish.

A lot of fish shops will label these as 'Australian Rainbows'. You see them quite a lot, I have one too. Obviously they're usually much smaller in the shops and less colour while young.
#40##, I really wanted to find some more of them, guess I can't if its not a specific type. cheers for help

Is there anything in particular you need to know?

was just wanting to be able to surf the classifieds or ring fish shops and ask them if they had this type of rainbow fish.

A lot of fish shops will label these as 'Australian Rainbows'. You see them quite a lot, I have one too. Obviously they're usually much smaller in the shops and less colour while young.

ok, I'll try that when looking. thanks Jamepsss
Well, the Boseman would have the yellow back end but not the longer fins and the splendida would have the longer fins but it would be more of one colour all over. If you're near southampton there's someone in the classifieds selling 4 splendida types.
I've found that when trying to ID fish, it's always good to compare known pictures of wild specimens. In some cases though, the species may not still exist in the wild.

This is a pair of males displaying from a reputable rainbowfish website.

Here is a mature male boesemani.

If you compare those two pictures with the specimen you can see where the question of what the fish actually is becomes apparent.
As above, i reckon there is definately boesemani genes in that fish, but I am also equally as certain that is a hybrid fish.

If you want that kind of colour then look for Melanotaenia boesemani.

Some LFS (in UK) have been getting better at supplying what at least look like genuine species, but you need to get familiar with what the pure bred forms look like. Even then you are not 100% guaranteed, unless they can provide you with more detail of where they have come from.

I have M.boesmani "Lake Aitinjo" from an LFS (via indonesian supplier) aswell as from a breeder when travelling to europe. They both look good, but the line bred fish have a stronger darker colour, so I am going to breed from them instead. The fry of these fish are one of the slowest growing, so maybe at the end of the year I may have some surplus boesmani.
You'll have no trouble moving those on Sanj! Give me a shout when any of your bows are ready to go, not fussed which species!!

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