Rainbow Fish Tank Mates........


Fish Fanatic
Nov 25, 2008
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Hi all, just thought I would ask for some advice.I have a 210L tank and the filtration system is an Eheim Pro3 2180, I have at present 9 rainbows mixed varieties, 1 blue gourami, 10 harlequin rasboras and 4 julli corries. I have always fancied keeping angel fish but I do not want to upset the community tank I have. Can you give me your opinion as to whether angelfish and rainbows are compatible.
Thanks in advance of any replies......
I keep an angel in with my rainbows with no problem. They pretty much ignore each other. Angels are cichlids, and their temperament can vary accordingly.
I have an Angel with my Dwarf Neon Rainbows and he ignores them except at feeding time when they barge him out of the way (the power of numbers!). Unless you get a particularly feisty one I shouldn't wory too much.
Thanks for your replies....... looks like It will be an angel after all. :rolleyes:
My angelfish barges my huge male congo tetra during feeding :crazy:
I have or have tried the following cichlids with my Rainbows, to great success: Green Severum, Rotkeil Severum, Geophagus 'Red Head' Tapajos, Apistogramma Aggassizi, Firemouth, Bolivian Ram and Keyhole.
Haven't tried Angels as I don't really like them, but see no reason why it wouldn't be worth a try.

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