when i top the water up in my salt water tank will i have to use R/O water or can u use declorenated tap water or is there another way to do it with out an R/O system.
di is a further, and expensive from what I hear, filter on the chain of filters in a RO unit. Some units will alow you to easly switch from just RO (which you should drink over RODI) to RO+DI.
RO units make the water very clean, the added DI takes it another step further... a step many believe is in excess and not needed.
I have no personal comment to add on this one,,, for once
just bought my RO/DI system for my house. Came in two days. Its a kent marine maxxima hi-s (35 gal per day). I paid 185 shipped from marinedepot.com . I will tamper with it this weekend.
I know my LFS is using the costco RO/DI and thats the water i was useing. I will tell u if i notice a difference in the new water.
Home Depot also sells that same system. They were on sale not to long ago for $125.00 or so, if I remember right. I need to get one my self. Using Tap water can cause unwanted algae growth.
i forgot what brand costco's is but it is a 5-stage (5th stage is a storage tank). HomeDepot Sells General Electric ones. I bought mine from kent marine thinking it would help more in a saltwater tank. I read what my RO/DI purifies and i read what the General Electric one purifies and mine gets rid of alot more stuff. Including Silicate. (my zoology teacher [dr. in marine bio]) says that silicate causes algege growth. So i figure my RO/DI is more saltwater tank ready instead of it being designed to purify the drinking water in your house. (Kent Marines water is also drinkable)
thanks, so when my tank comes in 10 to 14 days can i use tap water and leave it for a long time in the tank and then use R/O water after to do water changes