R O Water And Adding Fish


Fish Fanatic
Dec 21, 2011
Reaction score
Norwich, Norfolk
I am about to do a water change and I would like to know whether I can put fish in straight away when I have finished and whether this would affect the water quality or not.
Thanks perry
Not really sure what you're asking. Are we talking cycled tanks here?

I generally add new fish around the time of a water change, but that's because, when I have time to buy fish, I have time to clean tanks.
Not really sure what you're asking. Are we talking cycled tanks here?

I generally add new fish around the time of a water change, but that's because, when I have time to buy fish, I have time to clean tanks.

Yes sorry... the tank has already been cycled and i would like to do a 50% water change just normally but topping up with RO water, can i put fish in straight after i have done the water change
Not really sure what you're asking. Are we talking cycled tanks here?

I generally add new fish around the time of a water change, but that's because, when I have time to buy fish, I have time to clean tanks.

Yes sorry... the tank has already been cycled and i would like to do a 50% water change just normally but topping up with RO water, can i put fish in straight after i have done the water change
Are there fish already in the tank ? and if so never take fish out for water changes. it is far to sressful. but if you are about to add yur first fish to the tank i would add a few hardy fish after the water change.
It sounds like you have an established tank that has been using tap water, that you now want to add RO water to, while adding new fish. Is this right?

If the RO has not been re-mineralised, depending upon how much you are adding, it is going to change the water chemistry (kH, gH, pH) quite dramatically. If there are fish already in this tank, you will need to add this RO very slowly using airline tubing.

This almost sounds like the reverse of what I had to do with my female Golden Wonder Killifish last year, where my local MA in Fairoak kept a lot of fish including her in RO water. Because I use Southampton's finest "liquid rock" tap water, I was drip acclimitising her for 4-5 hours, at <4 drips per second.

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