

Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2004
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Albany, NY
We had a yellow lab that looked like he had a little trouble but was swimming and all. When I got home this morning and went to feed them I found his carcass pretty much picked clean. We have the chiclids listed below (55 gal tank) but I never saw him chased or harrassed by any of the others. Any ideas? I know once he died he was an easy meal but do they usually do it this fast?
:rip: little fellow

I would bet money on the fact that he was being harrassed constantly when the lights went out. Yellow labs are amonst the most docile of the african cichlids. The others that you have in the tank with it are amongst some of the most aggressive!

In the future if your going to purchase another yellow lab try out numbering the other species. For instance keep a group of at least 5 yellow labs and one of each of the others.

I have 4 in a 30 gallon with a red zebra and they still get picked on now and then.

The best thing to do would be not to replace the yellow lab with another of the same kind, but if you must replace it choose a more aggressive species.

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