R.I.P Richard


Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2006
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my sons little hamster "richard" died last night he had been poorly for about a week and past away in his sleep :-(

he was the 4th hamster
we couldnt bear having an empty spot where his cage had been :(
so we took our carl to pets at home and we came home with a 8 week old baby guinea pig now called "geoffrey" dont ask me why our carl named him he says he looks like a geoffrey :)
hes our new little man and so cute



his new house

he soon found his bed
im sorry about richard. want to hear a fun story that's kinda fitting. i got my degree in marine science, so biologists abound in the dorms. some of my friends and i got a hamster toward the end of my first year. we took turns taking it hom eon breaks. its name was hammy. we all thought it was a girl as it didnt have any visible "boy parts"..we even got "her" a boyfriend and they never got along...we rehomed the boyfriend...well, my fourth year it was my turn to take hammy home. for a long break (i think christmas). hammy was very distressed one night, breathing very hard, and i had to take hammy to emergency vet (late night). the vet advised we put hammy to sleep :( so i did what was best for hammy. he asked my permission to do a quick necropsy. hammy had pulmonary edema (fluid around its heart). but, the vet ALSO told me it was a boy :eek: realistically like 15 biologists who handled the hamster on a daily basis and we couldnt even determine the sex (HA!) last laugh on us. he was a very nice little hamster. im sure Richard was too. he is the same kind as hammy.
but the guinea pig is so CUTE!!! im glad you got a replacement to fill the void. have fun with him/her.
dont ask me why our carl named him he says he looks like a geoffrey :)

Sad about your Richard, but if you look closely, I fully agree with Carl.... This one looks exactly like a Geoffrey..... This kid is a genius!

BTW,... This is also the photo which I'm nominating for the December POTM pic
sorry about little Richard.

But Geoffry is way too cute! i love guineapigs, i used to have a rosette, but he had a skin infection, and from the day i got him it cost me £20 a week to see the vet, i had to take him back to pets at home cause i just couldnt afford the vet bills :sad:

he was a character though, guineas are so much fun, you will love him :fun:
I 2nd the nomimiation :good:

Thanks Betta... I knew I could rely on either you or Haych to come & second this one....

Saph,24.... You may move this (nominated and seconded pic) over to the December 2009 POTM competition thread.... Our first nomination!
Bless Him.
Can I nominate the picture of Richard? It's a really nice picture and would be a nice memorial for him - maybe your little boy would appreciate it also.
I second the nomination if its not to upsetting.
as cute as he is may i ask do you realise guineapigs should ideally be kept in pairs as they do not do so well alone? (two boys can live happily together as can two girls)
if you do find you need advice over the little fella, dont hesitate to send me a pm (runs a small animal and turtle rescue, and currently housing 14 guinea pigs :)

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