R.I.P My dear friend Monkey


Where's Nemo :o
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
Van BC Canada
*sigh* Well.... today, I was rearranging my bettas and my 4th betta Monkey (he was really brown thats why i named him Monkey) was put with the best friend Birdie! Birdie and Monkey were flaring at each other a lot but Monkey decided to flop over to the other side and say hi to Birdie and BAM! the fought...... I was feeding my other fish and I came back and found him dead...... but Monkey loved Birdie so much he didnt even put a scratch on him while Birdie murdered him..... he was my mom's very very favorite.... I never got to see them fight but I saw him dead when I came back... :-( I will always miss that little begging face when I feed my fishies bbs :-(
I'm sorry for your loss, betta lova. :rip: little dude.
im very sry about ur fish Bl, he sounded rely cool, im sure u gave him a great home.

by the way i demand u put me on ur evil list :devil: :eek:sama: :saddam:

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