R.I.P Leon Lobster.


Nov 15, 2023
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Today is a little sad.

I've been following this guy, who rescued a grocery Lobster and kept it as a pet... Since 2021.

I was really fun to receive updates on how it was going and all was looking good... But... This week Leon failed to molt properly and died :(

I'm going to miss that.
The oldest recorded lobster was estimated to be about 140 years old when it died in 2017.

Lobsters may survive for up to a century in the wild and can live even longer in aquariums with proper care.
I always viewed them as one of those organisms that only die when their luck runs out rather than by some genetic timeclock, like tardigrades, bristlecone pine, or some rockfish. They live and continue growing till they get sick, eaten, or otherwise suffer from some mishap.
I loved the Leon series! I saw that video last night which was quite depressing.. but It does seem like he may rescue another one soon
I loved the Leon series! I saw that video last night which was quite depressing.. but It does seem like he may rescue another one soon

He really did what when we where young, every kid would have loved to do when seeing them at the groceries.

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