R.i.p Gerald.


Fish Addict
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds - United Kingdom
Hey everyone.

Sad to announce that through the night my HMPK Gerald passed away.
No idea why, Only got him Tuesday and he's been fine, looked great. eating fine!
Just got up and he's on his side dead :'(

Don't think I'm gonna get another betta again.
After my other Betta Fred died(had him 2 years from Pets At Home)
it took me awhile to find another, Only had him 2 days and then he died.
Don't think I wanna go through it all again.
Hi, thanks for the message, tried to pm back but it wont work :crazy:
Sorry for your loss too, its so sad to find them like that.
Please dont be put off bettas, my other one is as happy as larry, i've had him for about 6 mths, he was a sorry sight when i got him but he is a beauty now!! There is a pic in thread 'my boy Jack'
RIP Gerald & Littl'un xx
Oh i'm sorry to hear that :sad: he was very pretty, don't let that put you off, sometimes things happen that are beyond anyones control.
most likely he was sick when you got him...poor little chappy :(
chin up and keep your eyes out for a new one (you know you cant resist)
all the best
Sorry for your loss, this has happened to me too and it's heartbreaking :( but think of it this way - you gave him a fabulous last couple of days, and i'm sure he loved his home with you


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