R I P Bagheera


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
in memory of Bagheera who was only with me for a short time,
I have made my photobucket album public so that you can all see him.


:rip: Bagheera 15th July 2006 - 1st Jan 2009 :'(
gone but never forgotten

Omg Wolfy, so so sorry to read this =(
What a horrible start to the new year. What happened hon?

RIP Baggy
Oh no, not again. :sad: What happened Wolf? So sorry to hear of your loss. What a terrible tragedy.

R.I.P. Bagheera :-(
he went missing on 30th of dec
after 5days I had some lost cat posters made and put them up locally.
I got a call the next day saying that he was found on the 1st and was taken away by the local environment dept.

I can go get his body tomorrow so that I can bury him in the garden, next to my Gennie :'(
God rest.
What a tragic lost. Sorry you had to start the new year with such horrible news. :sad:

That was a gorgeous cat.
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I remember you talking about him a lot, and he was a gorgeous cat.

My best wishes. RIP Bagheera.
thank you all for your kind words.
Oh Wolf, I'm so so incredibly sorry to hear and really feel for your loss :-(

Sorry I haven't seen this sooner as I haven't been around for months and just popped by today to do a little peek around & catch up.
I'm gutted to hear that's he's no longer with you. Never forgotten........ :rip:

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