see if this makes sense. i am out of town or i would send you pics of mine. first i found a pcv end that fit into the drain of my overflow box (the back part that hangs on and leads to your sump) the end that has the "male" part i placed into the drain hole then i placed a pcv pipe that fit into that pcv end. i had the pipe go almost to the top of my over-flow box. now with the pcv pipe i drilled as many holes as i could into it.. almost the size of my pinky. this allowed more water to flow down the drain from many points.. thus the "sucking/waterfall" sound that would occur once enough pressure build up was gone. i do have a small towel on top of the whole overflow box... and now when i get into trouble with the wife.. i can easily sleep on the couch without losing any sleep.
hope this helps.. if not let me know and i will send some pics to you when i get back into town on saturday.