Quick Update On My Tank :)


Fish Addict
Nov 14, 2005
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Ok now i finally have 25 kilos of LR yay! but i feel it still need 2-3 more lol as it dont look right, ive also got 20x the circulation going but just about to buy one more pump then i will have 30!

Here are some pics

main shot as you can see need little more on the right side to make it more interesting




And my just been built area with the extra LR i really like it :D

Any querys or ideas please put foward :) one question where should i put the other soon to come seio m620 pump..? i was thinking at back like facing the the right display side but i have worries the left will become a dead spot... Any ideas?

Where to place powerheads is a tough call. My general rules of thumb are: Don't point directly at sandbeds. Keep the inlets in areas that are servicable. And when in doubt, point them at rocks, glass, or other pumps to turbulate the flow even more.

Edit, btw the tank looks amazing. What corals do you have over there to the left? Some sort of tentacled LPS? or are those softies too?
thanks! yer i will sort summit out gunna go down to the lfs soon and get that rock instead of ordering it, as it might work out cheaper.
Urm i believe its a bush coral, like a pussey coral but more taller and shorter branches, its a softie and i love it, i bought it as it came as 3 trees on a frag, they were about 2-3 inches tall, once i had my t5s ontop of my t8s they have now grown to 6 inches roughly prehaps bit smaller.

I only keep softies as you cant really go wrong with them plus they give the tank bit more life the FOWLR as i didnt want to do just fish.
Think i could keep any hard corals under
2 38watt t8 (one atinic) both reflected to produce 100% more light
2 39watt t5 marine whites

if so what ones link would be appreaciated.
You might be able to get away with a tentacled LPS from the echinophylla genus. Common names are frogspawn, torch, hammer, and galaxea. Also a bubble coral might do OK. None of the above would grow very fast, but they would probably survive just fine provided you mounted them near the top of your rockwork.
The coral on the left looks like a non-photosynthetic coral, These include soft corals such as Chironephthya, Dendronephthya, Scleronephthya, Siphonogorgia and Stereonephthya, gorgonians such as Acabaria, Acalcygorgia, Melithaea and Subergorgia, black corals and wire corals such as Antipathes and Cirripathes, hydrocorals such as Stylaster and Distichopora (J. Charles Delbeek, M.Sc). They feed on plankton and lots of it as they can't sustain themselves on light. To go with the plankton of the right size they will need lots of flow to help them feed, the flow must be as random as possible so every bit of the coral feeds.

Other that that I really like the tank aqua-scapings good and the coral placement is great. I would look at different lighting to maximise the colours you have what bulbs are you using?
awsome il have a look into them. Thanks matt, ive tried a little from your tank as i love it :). Yer i like where i put my leather funny thing was he was on a tiny frag of rock before i put him on that rock next thing i know the sod stuck to the larger piece!

Well atm i have 2 t8 38watts; marine white and actinic. and 2 39watt t5 marine whites. i drilled them into the juwel hood panels.

I would prefer to have a arcadia luminaire but i just forked out for these t5s and i dont think my parents would be very pleased seeing me pay out 200 quid on lights just yet..
Noice aquascape! One day Ill get away from nanos and get a decent tank like that! Youve done well to keep alot of nice caves and overhang looking places! :good:

One question, Do you use RO for every water change/top-up?
I would look at changing one of the 39W t5's to a actinic as well. Also in the photo looking down the tank the water looks a bit milky, do you know why this is?
Yes i do use RO as i have a 3 stage 50gpd one from osmotics for both jobs.
Yer it was due to i was going to wash the new rocks a bit but the water was low in the tank so i couldnt really take any more water out plus i have no salt atm till sunday as ive orderd a 10kilo box from work so can knock out the huge nitrates in the tank. Any suggestions on like how to do it in percentages as i dont wanna crash the tank

So its the new rock that made it cloudy.

Why should i change it? ive decided im only gunna keep softies and zoos.

Thanks though about my aquascaping took long time to get it right and i did it on my last order of LR :hey:
"Why should I change it? I’ve decided im only gunna keep softies and zoos"

Just personal preference looks too white needs more blue tinge
Thats fair but it wont affect the corals i can keep or the like how they come out and grow will they? But i probs get one in a week or 2 time.
Thats fair but it wont affect the corals i can keep or the like how they come out and grow will they? But i probs get one in a week or 2 time.

No, it wont. If your leather coral is as big and open as it is in those pics, your lights are fine for softies :D
Nice one well ill get one in very soon make it more under the sea :p

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