Quick question


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Sherwood Park, Canada
I have three black phantom tetras in my tank still (have yet to get more) and one of them is almost a pink color. It is a little bigger than the others, and has turned more pink than anything else. The other two are still "normal" colors.
I am a little confused.
It does not look like either a red phantom or a serpea tetra. It started out the same color as the other two black phantoms, but has brightened to more of a pink. It is quite pretty, and looks like the others, just has a pinker body (still has the black fins). It schools with the others as well, and seems to enjoy the company of one of the others more than the other one. hehe, picky fish.
it's probably a girlie :) female "black" phantoms have a much pinker tinge to their bodies, shorter finnage and red ventrals. does this sound like yours? otherwise it's possible it's a different species since some eg red phantoms and serpae look very similar.

here is a pic of a male:


and here is a female:


and here's a link to a pic of some more females, I linked it cos it's a huge picture.


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