Can I keep shrimp in my guppy fry tank? Would either one bother the other? It's a ten gallon.
Cool, thanks pippoodle. I'll keep my eye out for those too.
Other than lots of moss, what is involved in caring for shrimp that's different from caring for fish? Also, what do you feed them?
Great, thanks Sarah!
I'll add some wood and a little more moss etc, and be on the lookout for shrimps! Good to know about the mineral additive and also the copper, I'd heard something about copper but couldn't remember if its good or bad. Shouldn't be a problem in a fry tank though, I'm not sure I'd be able to see ich (or anything else) on the babies, they're so small!!
Great, thanks Sarah!
I'll add some wood and a little more moss etc, and be on the lookout for shrimps! Good to know about the mineral additive and also the copper, I'd heard something about copper but couldn't remember if its good or bad. Shouldn't be a problem in a fry tank though, I'm not sure I'd be able to see ich (or anything else) on the babies, they're so small!!
post some pics when you get some shrimp hun - i love shrimpies