Quick Question


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2008
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Im trying to establish a 2 gallon quarantine tank and was thinking about doing a fish less cycle. Ive seen folks here talking about filter media and filter floss. Is filter media the bag that goes in the filter that cycles the water in the tank? So what is a filter floss and where do i get it from? I want to make cycling for the quarantine tank a bit easier on me. Maybe some one can point out a thread which explains filter floss, media and other various terms which someone new to this hobby might need to know.

i can indeed


thats a pinned topic from the beginners resouirce centre about filter media.

to cyckle the filter for a q tank just run it in the main tank and it will become cycled, then when you need to set up the q tank you just fill ti with water, hook the equipment up, move the filter from the main tank to the q tank and as soon as the waters up to temp you can add some fish.

remember though when you're done with it throw away all the media and put brand new in before putting it back on the main tank as you risk transferring over diseases etc :good:
filter floss is usually the mesh (white colored) bag that usually holds some sort of filter media (activated carbon)
Actually filter floss is the fine puffy stuff that looks like cotton batting. Most of us use the polyester pillow stuffing material you can get from any fabric shop. It's the cheap stuff, not the one with the fireproofing and antibacterial additives. A wad of the floss that is placed right before your filter returns water to your tank will go a long way towards crystal clear water in the tank because it will filter out the very smallest of things in the water.
MW, oldman, this is making my try to remember the good advice we've heard about how to be ready to set up a Q-tank on short notice, staying ready during the periods when you don't need it. Am I remembering that the best answer is to run the Qtank filter on a main tank and then just move it over and add fresh tap water?

That sure sounds right to me WD. I keep a couple of filters running on my main tanks because I never know when the fancy will strike me and I'll bring home some fish. That becomes my quarantine tank filter and the one that is still there is ready to be a hospital tank filter. I do have a couple of 10 gallons that are usually empty and can be set up with the cycled filters.
Brilliant (as MW says :lol: ), that's exactly what I was thinking of. It may not have occurred to the OP that an empty tank would have to be fed ammonia all the time. This is all taking me back to the reasons why it seemed actually easier to have a basement full of tanks rather than just one. :lol:

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