Quick Question


Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Essex UK
hi all
would it be ok to keep a betta tank on a window ledge if it was jept clean from alge and stuff?
and it would have a heater but would be over a heater which heats water to 80F would that be ok?
I wouldn't, especially if you have cats, that my cats favourite place to lay down.
Hmmm I don't think that would be a problem. Algae would grow like crazy because of the sunlight, but if you don't mind that, I don't see why not. :) My brother has his betta tank on a windowsill in his room (5 gallon tank too, our windowsills are huge).
It would probably end up getting green water if its in the sun. You may find you have to do 100% water changes more often. Trying to get rid of green water with partial water changes is just about impossible. Not only are you not removing all of it with a partial water change, but fish waste feeds it and you're not removing all of that, either. It can come on all of a sudden and get thick fast! Do I sound like I'm talking from experience here? I used to have a 2 gallon bowl that I did 75% water changes in. I had it in my kitchen which is very bright. It got green water and I could not get rid of it! I did water change after water change day after day and it didn't seem to make any difference at all. I had to do a 100% water change and scrub the inside of the glass and run boiling water over the marbles before I saw the end of it.


EDIT: That said, it never hurts to try. You could see if you have a problem with it, and if you do, just put it somewhere else.
If the window got direct sunlight at any time of day, I would NOT put a tank in that window. Sun can heat up a tank fast and your fish can die. Also a heater will heat up the water--some of my tanks are about 5 feet from the wall heater and when I have to turn on the heat, the tank water spikes to 86F degrees and hotter if I don't turn the thing off in time and quickly change out some of the water to bring the temp back down.
no its doesnt get alot of light it might get light for a couple hours and thats it
and im fine with doing 100% water changes
its a divided 5 gallon with a VT and CT
so i think im going to give it ago and see what happens
thanks all

also i was just wondering is it bad for bettas to be flaring all the time?
coz my VT tends to flare and anythink and everythink and i cant work out if he has split his fins or if he is like turning into a different tail type coz he is starting to look like a CT abit now
If he's flaring at the other betta in the tank, then you should find a way to make it so they can't see each other. If he's just one of those guys who just flares at everything (I have one like that) then there's not much you can do. But if he's blowing his tail, that's not a good thing. :/
hmmm no he isntdoing it at other bettas
he does it to me then he also just does it for fun i think
but i have a feeling he has blown his tail
tomorow i will get a pic to see if you think he has messed up his tail
is there anythink i can do to heduse his flareing at all?
thanks alot

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