It would probably end up getting green water if its in the sun. You may find you have to do 100% water changes more often. Trying to get rid of green water with partial water changes is just about impossible. Not only are you not removing all of it with a partial water change, but fish waste feeds it and you're not removing all of that, either. It can come on all of a sudden and get thick fast! Do I sound like I'm talking from experience here? I used to have a 2 gallon bowl that I did 75% water changes in. I had it in my kitchen which is very bright. It got green water and I could not get rid of it! I did water change after water change day after day and it didn't seem to make any difference at all. I had to do a 100% water change and scrub the inside of the glass and run boiling water over the marbles before I saw the end of it.
EDIT: That said, it never hurts to try. You could see if you have a problem with it, and if you do, just put it somewhere else.