Quick Question


Fish Fanatic
Jul 9, 2004
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I am setting up a 75 gallon reef tank and wld like some advice my set up so far is as follows

- 15 gallon sump
- mag 9.5 return pump
- Aquarium Systems Seaclone Protein Skimmer - 100
- 300 watt heater
- Zoo Med Power Sweep 228 Powerhead
- 6 40 watt T-12 bulbs for 240 watts or 3.2 watts per gallon
- 160 gallon Instant Ocean Salt Mix
- 80 pounds reef sand
- about 50 pounds of live rock to start out with

The tank at the moment is being run as fresh water with 2 aquaclear 70 filters. I was wondering if I would maybe somehow run this filter in only the sump for maybe some increased mechanical filtration or would this be a bad idea? Also for the return pump is the 950 gallon per hour flow rate enough or too much and wld you recommend any other brand other than a mag.

Everything sounds good except for the powersweep and the seaclone. The powersweep is nowhere near the amount of flow needed for that tank, and will probably stop "sweeping" very soon after start up, they are not a very high quality pump. Seaclone skimmers are VERY difficult. Finnicky, and a pain in the butt in general. I would ditch it for an ASM, turbofloater or remora pro.

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