quick question


Fish Fanatic
Aug 6, 2005
Reaction score
Sumner, WA
i have a betta in a 29 gallon tank with 3 neon tetras and 3 spotted corys. i dont know if all bettas fins are fragile but his seem to rip easy. when i first got him he had a split tail, which is now healing, but he is now developing another split down his tail. also his pectoral fin seems like it might also be ripped. how does this happen? i never see any of the tetras nipping at him. everyone keeps to themselves. :huh:
example pic


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im looking at the pic and he looks lieke a healthy betta, tetras will nip at him but if u dont see them doing it then they probably arnt. tetras being so small could not have split his tail, my guess is that he's been hooking it on somthing in teh tank or he is nipping his own tail (which does happen) sit back and watch him, is he being nipped at by teras or does he appear to be chaseing his own tail.

another thing, has his tail ever been completly healed or in one tail, if he has always had that split it could be that he just has 2 tails, this could be from an accident at birth or a genetic issue, but either way he appears to be normal looking, can u get us a clsoe up picture of his tail, that would help alot :D
some close up pics of Diego's tail. he still seems healthy and he is eating just fine. i had to put him in a small betta bowl so i could get some good pictures cause he doesnt like to sit still in the 29 gallon tank!! :crazy:


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Make sure he doesn't have fin/tail rot. My fish's tail went to ribbons and another time he had a split that went to his belly on his lower tail. Keep an eye on this.
Do you have any sharp decorations or plastic plants in the tank? If so, that may be what's causing the problem. It doesn't look like finrot or nipping to me, definitely tears. Is there anything in the tank he might be snagging his tail on?

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