Quick Question (rainbow Fish)


Fish Crazy
Feb 19, 2006
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im going to my lfs in a bit and want to get another boesmanni rainbow fish to go with the female i have. how many more should i get and what sex would be best?? tank in sig.
thanks x x x
I currently have 2 males and 2 females (Boesmani) and seems to give them a happy balance. Though they aren't paired in any way.
hey thanks for the reply, went to my lfs earlier and they only had 1 female so i bought her, ive just added her to the tank and shes coloured up nice now. the other one i have keeps kind of displaying at the new one by flaring the fins etc, i thought these fish were peacfull? i think i have 2 females, do they normally fight?
im getting a male next week hopefuly.
thanks x x
Are you sure they are females and are you sure the behaviour looks aggressive ? I've never seen my Rainbows not get along with each other - even when my numbers were down to all males :dunno:
hey thanks for the reply, went to my lfs earlier and they only had 1 female so i bought her, ive just added her to the tank and shes coloured up nice now. the other one i have keeps kind of displaying at the new one by flaring the fins etc, i thought these fish were peacfull? i think i have 2 females, do they normally fight?
im getting a male next week hopefuly.
thanks x x

Hi Bex1

It shouldn't be anything to worry about, I have found that like most fish rainbows are inquisitive of newcomers of the same species. I had 1 Melanotaenia Australis for ages but recently got another 4 and they were quite a bit smaller, the large male that I had had for ages was swimming round and round the bag containing the 4 new ones flaring his fins etc, he continued doing this for a couple of days and one of the smaller females was constantly flaring back. They still do it now to each other every now and then but there certainly doesn't seem to be any aggression involved.
thanks for replys, the smaller one i had already flares at the new bigger one and swims at it?
the bigger one also flares back. i thought the smaller one i had was female but maybe its a young male as the colours seem to have intensified since adding the large female? :rolleyes:
im confused now whether to get another male or female? :rolleyes:
thanks again guys x x
Show us some photographs of the two fish, I'm sure we can help you determine whether or not both are female.

As for flaring, that's normal. When they start bumping into one another, or given headbuts, then that's aggression. Doesn't happen often, but occasionally there's a "troublemaker". Even though it doesn't happen often, it's not unheard of that aggressive and bossy rainbowfish kill off other rainbows.
hi thanks for the reply there is a picture of the smaller rainbow fish that i had before in the members fish/aquarium photos section under the title - Male/Female, this was taken before i got the other one who is bigger and not as colourful.
i'll try and get a pic of them both at the wknd when i have my camera back.
any ideas?
thanks x x x :good:

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