Quick Question On Compatability!


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2005
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Hi everyone i just have a little question. I have two female bettas in the same tank who are just fine together (there as been no biting or fighting between them for as long as i have had them). In fact, they like to hang around each other lol! I was just wondering if they would bite guppies' fins? Will the guppies bite the female bettas' fins?
Depends on both genders. If you get male guppies in a small school and the bettas are found alone or seperate, yes, there could be some nipping. But if you have 2 bettas that stick together 24/7, the guppies shouldn't nip or even get close to. Although the guppies may not want to nip, the bettas may, depending on the personalities and tail sizes/colours. Everything depends on the individual fish(es).
Personally i wouldn't advise keeping guppys and betta's together, too risky- guppys often end up the victums of betta's. If you want to keep guppys, i would keep a trio of females in a 5gal, you will need a 10gal or more though if you want male guppys.

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