Quick Question - Harlequin Rasboras


Nov 26, 2013
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Hi all,
Autumn (fall) has finally arrived and I'm ready to restock my tanks (a few losses due to excess heat).  I have 5 remaining Harlequin Rasboras in one tank (as well as some Endlers), the "normal" red ones.
My LFS has purple Harlequins as well as the reds, would they consider themselves to be the same school and be comfortable, or should I get some more red ones so they're all the same, rather than have two small schools of 5-6 each?
There are only four species in the genus Trigonostigma, though some do suggest we might see hybrids in the hobby.  The Harlequin can vary in colouration from purplish to reddish.  So yes, they should be fine together as they are the same species.
The other three are T. espei, T. hengeli and T. somphongsi; the latter is very rare (and threatened in the wild), and the other two are similar but easy to differentiate from the "Harlequin."
There is a selective-bred dark form that has pretty much a dark blotch.  This is not a distinct species, but a derived morph that is man-made.  This might be seen under the "purple" common name, though.
are we talking about the harlequins that I have? I've seen them listed as 'gold headed purple harlequin' and also 'midnight rasbora'. They are a colour morph of T. Heteromorpha. 
I can't help as to whether they will be ok with the others you have but I can say they are lovely. They are peaceful and stunning to watch shoaling back and forth
Please excuse the poor quality photo (best I could do in a hurry) but these are the Harlequins.
Yes, those are the regular Harlequin, Trigonostigma heteromorpha.  The more in the group, the merrier they will be.
I had 11 initially but it's been 2 years and 2 hot summers. Now the temperature has finally dropped so I think a few more (6 to 8) and give them 9 months to acclimatise to subtropical temperatures.
Next step is to find $100k, renovate the house and put a power point on the wall where I really want my tank. Could be a while for that...

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