Quick Question - Easycarbo.


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
Rotherham, UK.
Is Easy Life EasyCarbo basically a substitute for C02 injection in a tank, and if so, how good is it comapred to C02 injection? Does anyone here use it in place of gaseous C02? I'm thinking of using it in my up-coming Venezia, but I'm not at home very often (Uni) and I'd rather my Dad have to dose this than change my current C02 system every week (Fermentation) and I don't fancy using a pressure-driven system just yet.

Cheers. :)
easy carbo is an organic form of Carbon, it isnt as good as CO2 injection for varioous reasons like the consistency of CO2 throughout the whole of the photo period, etc. On a smaller tank i would consider using it in place of CO2 gas, because it would be less of a problem, but seen as you are away quite a lot, then it will be fine.

what do you find bad about pressurized systems?
Mainly the cost at the moment, I do plan to get one in time I was thinking of some kind of stop-gap until then though, the tank's going to be 190 liters and medium-stocked with plants, 2X 24W T-5, 1 each of Life-Glo and Power-Glo, Tetra Plant Substrate. If my Maths is correct it's 1.1Wpg (do I actually need C02 at this light level?) What would be your recommendation for me until I get a pressurised system?

I was looking at the system here, that's the kind of price I'd rather stick around, is that decent? Or do you know of any other systems that I could use for a similar price? (Also I've seen the DIY Fire-Extinguisher idea but I'd rather not do that to be honest, with my luck I'd end up with a hole in the wall and a very confused neighbour.)

Many thanks. :)
with T5 tubes, it becomes more leanient, so you will need CO2.

The FE route is easy, just keep the saftey pin in and it will be fine. 10min job and it costs £80 including a 2kg FE. The other system shown i am not sure about the size of bottles but i think they will be 500g, which only last a few weeks on your tank.

at the minute continue using the easycarbo until you get something sorted.
At the moment I'm not using EasyCarbo I was just looking at getting some, I'm currently using the Hagen Natural Fermentation system, I might just get another one of those so I can have two on my new tank until something comes up.
ok, it might be better to dose 2x the reccomended dosage while you are away, this way you can be sure the plants will get enough Carbon.
Oh there'll be someone at home to dose the plants, I just thought using EasyCarbo would be easier than having to keep refilling the fermentation system.

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