Quick Question About Lighting


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2006
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I just bought my 10g a lighted hood that calls for 2 15-25 watt lights. And of course I bought the wrong kind! I bought a really long one instead of two little ones. Anyway.. I discovered that just regular light bulbs fit in there so I put a 40W regular one in there. Is this okay? It's not going to do any harm right?

Oh.. and while I'm posting. I was wondering if those drops for murky or cloudy water actually work? cause I bought that too...

I know when you use the wrong lightbulbs you can blow stuff out or have a lightbulb that gets to hot and starts melting things. I had a five gallon tank for a while that had a warped moisture shield because the people who had it before used the wrong lightbulb. I'm not a wattage expert though so maybe someone else will post with more info. :)
nope it won't work :no: . the light won't light up because it won't have enough wattage and if it does it will cause over heating.
Hmm guess I'll have to go back and get the right lightbulbs


Those bulbs come in a real garden variety of colors. If you want to have plants you can find small full-spectrum lights which fit in those sockets. I think they're called mini-compact lights. I'm using and have used them in planted tanks and they work great.
I've used those drops with the goldfish but am wondering if your tank is cycling..wouldn't use them then or with meds. The goldfish are so messy and hardy too but I don't know about using them with betta...?? :dunno:
It says it makes all the particles cling together so that the filter could get them. So I think its okay with filters. I'm gonna get the right lights today maybe!

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