Quick Question About Ich And Tetras


Fish Herder
Mar 6, 2014
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tank size: 20 gallon
pH: 8.2 (stable)
Am: 0.25 (stable, also use the marineland carbon/ammonia blend stuff to change it to ammonium, but always have this reading)
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 40
I have 1 bristlenose pleco, 6 glowlight tetras, and now 9 black neon tetras. I didn't want that many black neons but when I bought the first six I ended up with 1 female to 5 males and they were tearing each other to pieces. I thought at first I had a columnaris outbreak but none every died and the glowlights were completely fine. I used melafix and pimafix(seperate and together) and then finally decided to try salt. That seemed to get rid of the fungus/bacteria that were growing on them. I used 1 tbsp per 10 gallons. I knew this would only solve part of my problem so I opted to get a few more black neons to see if I could get females. I know they are hard to sex. I waited for over a month due to the reason the black neons at petsmart had ich. I finally saw they were without ich, not that I noticed anyway, and I at least ended up with one more female. (She's as big as my current female and they were all trying to breed both of them so at least I have 2 females. Not sure on the smallest one yet, too soon to tell. Other one I have could be male). Anyway, the ich came in on these three fish. I had put them in a small 5 gallon quarantine tank but after a few days they hadn't eaten due to placing the tank in a bad spot with too much traffic. I did not SEE anything on these fish so I went ahead and put them in my main tank because I didn't want them to be stressed more. Well, the day after I put the fish in, I noticed ONE spot on one of the fish. I was skeptical so waited and within a couple more days I noticed more spots. *sigh*
So, here is where the ich question comes in. I have slowly, over the last couple of days, raised the temperature from 77 to 86 degrees F. I have been keeping the 1 tbsp per 10 gallons of aquarium salt in there already, which they seem to do ok with. Should I go ahead and try to add more to make it be the 1 tbsp per 5 gallons I've been reading? I plan on doing a 50% water change with good gravel vac today and at least trying to change and gravel vac every other day at least 25% until ich is gone. I just wasn't sure if it was safe for the tetras and the bristlenose to add more? They've been ok with the salt levels I've been keeping for a few months now but I figured I'd ask just in case! Also, I did turn up my air supply in there as well and the water has dropped a big so my HOB filter is also providing good arreation. They seem ok for now. Thanks for the help!
Ok, so three days after I turned the heat up to 86 F, my glowlight tetras don't look so good. They are really faded around their abdomen area and don't want to move around much. They had been breathing hard it looked like so I added another air stone/pump to the aquarium and I just checked them and the don't seem to be breathing too bad right now. They are staying close to the filter intake though and on the bottom of the tank. Didn't seem real interested in eating(though I tried some bloodworms around noon today and they seemed to perk up at that. Maybe it's the flakes? I'm having issues with them not liking some of them either. Any suggestions?) . I have not added any extra salt except the 1 tbsp per 10 gallons that they are used to. Now that they are like this I'm afraid to try to add salt. I think it's the temp that's getting to them...should I turn it down a bit and see how they do and if they are better THEN add more salt? These guys have been through a lot and I don't want to lose them. :(   Anyway, thanks for any help you guys can give me.
Here are a couple of pictures I got of my glowlight tetras as they look now.
glowlight tetras1.jpg
glowlight tetras closeup.jpg

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