Quick Question About Food


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2008
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Alabama ♥
Do corys eat algae? I've looked all over, and just can't find an answer. I know they eat algae wafers, so I'd guess they do? Also, do they eat veggies, like plecos? Or will they mostly ignore them?

Thanks. :)
Based on my studying, cory's really are not algae eaters, they are scavengers. If you are looking for a good algae eater, get a bushynose (bristlenose) catfish.
Cory's are some of the best scavengers out there for tanks, they will eat left-overs and uneaten food. They do NOT eat fish waste however, amd their diet should be supplemented with quality food, such as sinking wafers, shrimp pellets, bloodworms. Often these bottom dwellers are neglected when it comes to their diet. Anyone else want to add to this? Am I correct?
Tammem is entirely correct. All cories are omnivores much like the typical livebearer is. What that means to me is if I am feeding a healthy diet to my livebearers, I have the right combination of foods for my cories. The only extra thing I need to do is get the food to the cories through the greedy livebearers. Siince the cories seldom feed at the surface, they need enough food to sink down to them to satisfy their needs. What that usually means to me is that I feed more than the livebearers will eat right away so that then cories get enough to eat. When I feed frozen foods like daphnia, I feed it faster than the top fish can eat so naturally some will sink to the bottom, when I feed flake, I don't stop as soon as the surface feeders slow down but continue until some of the food sinks. I also feed some algae wafers because both the cories and the livebearers need some greens in their diet.
I feed my corries hikari sinking wafers, abd every once and a while they get an algea wafer and some flake food. I have knowtised that they do eat a little bit of the algea in my tank too.
ur reply helps me out. In another posting Im trying to figure out how to make sure my corys get their share. And maybe Im worrying too much about it. Tonight I waited and waited until the tiger barbs were asleep and then I would slowly sneak up to the tank, open the hood, and quietly drop a sinking tablet. Until shortly after one, then two, and then several tiger barbs noticed. And then I would remove the tablet for fear of polluting the tank.
I've see the corys find it, but they seem so damn stupid they just dont notice. Sometimes if they do, the tiger barb starts to join them, and they just run off and start poking their nose elsewhere! Tonight I went back down and all the tiger barbs were asleep and then i dropped a tablet unnoticed. My fear though is that the seemingly blind catfish wont even notice, only for the food to decompose and pollute the tank!

I actually bought three different types of foods, shrimp pellets (which dont really sink, but float), tablets, and wafers, all in an attempt to make sure these cute things get their share! But in the meanwhile, im starting to dislike the tiger barbs for greedily eating everything! And my family is telling me if it requires more effort to feed these, I should just return them. But that's not an option for me.
Thanks. I didn't remember them eating algae when I had them a few years ago, but then, I never really had an algae problem, so.

tameem, I wouldn't worry about your corys getting enough to eat. When they're hungry, they'll go for the food. And you can easily leave an algae wafer in the tank over night without worrying about it polluting your tank. Ever if your barbs eat a bit, the corys will still get some, probably once the barbs lose interest. Just give them time.
ur reply helps me out. In another posting Im trying to figure out how to make sure my corys get their share. And maybe Im worrying too much about it. Tonight I waited and waited until the tiger barbs were asleep and then I would slowly sneak up to the tank, open the hood, and quietly drop a sinking tablet. Until shortly after one, then two, and then several tiger barbs noticed. And then I would remove the tablet for fear of polluting the tank.
I've see the corys find it, but they seem so damn stupid they just dont notice. Sometimes if they do, the tiger barb starts to join them, and they just run off and start poking their nose elsewhere! Tonight I went back down and all the tiger barbs were asleep and then i dropped a tablet unnoticed. My fear though is that the seemingly blind catfish wont even notice, only for the food to decompose and pollute the tank!

I actually bought three different types of foods, shrimp pellets (which dont really sink, but float), tablets, and wafers, all in an attempt to make sure these cute things get their share! But in the meanwhile, im starting to dislike the tiger barbs for greedily eating everything! And my family is telling me if it requires more effort to feed these, I should just return them. But that's not an option for me.

The corys are definitely not blind. If they are ignoring the wafers then they aren't that hungry. They have a keen sense of smell and will home in on wafers on the bottom in total darkness. Let's see your barbs do that!

Feeding algae wafers (I only feed a 1/3 wafer) every once and a while is a good idea even though corys are NOT 'algae eaters' in the true sense of the definition. But they will nibble on the wafers.

Make sure that all of your fish get a varied and nutritious diet and be careful not to love your fish to death by over feeding them.


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