Quick Question About Bn, Identify...


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Apr 10, 2012
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Does common brown BN plecs have a L number?

here is the ples im wanting know about, do these have L numbers?




Looks like one of these:


Bristlenose catfish haven't got an L number, they usually just come under ancistrus sp.
Hope that helps.
Looks like one of these:


Bristlenose catfish haven't got an L number, they usually just come under ancistrus sp.
Hope that helps.

there are many species of Bristlenose plecs that DO have an L number. L183, L182 for example. the plec in question is a ancistrus sp 3
Looks like one of these:


Bristlenose catfish haven't got an L number, they usually just come under ancistrus sp.
Hope that helps.

there are many species of Bristlenose plecs that DO have an L number. L183, L182 for example. the plec in question is a ancistrus sp 3
That's why I said the Bristlenose catfish, which is the standard type and known as ancistrus sp. You are obviously referring to the Starlight Bristlenose Catfish. 5teady, I believe was asking about the standard type. :rolleyes:
Sorry 5teady if this was misleading, I was however referring to the type you had.
They are beautiful! Are you planning on breeding them?
Thanks again :)

Just wanted some advice as i was asked if they had a L number :)
No problem. ;)
Are they yours? I've not seen them in the lfs before, really pretty markings though.
No problem. ;)
Are they yours? I've not seen them in the lfs before, really pretty markings though.

Yes they are mine, i got 5 of them altogether that are adults but 2 of them dont seem to be breeding, this trio are a definite breeding trio though.

I also have another 5 smaller ones but are only about 2.5" in lengh.
Good for you!
It always seems to take a few attempts to get a good batch when they breed. You'll be inundated before you know it!

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