Quick pleco question


Fish Fanatic
May 4, 2005
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I got a clown pleco from the lfs because i liked the way it looked and it said in a book there it would work in my tank but i dont know how big they get.......anyone know?
About 4 inches. I have 2, I love 'em.
(p.s. they love to eat Yams!)
If this is the one, then around 5".
By the way, this should be in the catfish section :)
yep that the fish thanks for the info guys lol he is so kool but he hids alot -_-
Yeah, mine tend to hide alot too, but luckily my wood is set up so that he's hidden, but I can't still see him :p

Do you have alot of wood in your tank, they need wood to chew on...
They are very nice plecs. Congrats and good luck with him :)

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