Quick Macro Fert Question


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2012
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I want to start dosing ferts. I already have micro (in the form of seachem flourish) and will be dosing a liquid carbon booster until I can find the time and equipment to set up a C02 injector. 
With macro ferts, is there anyone brand that has an all-in-one solution? The closest I can find  is buying the separate Seachem products (Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium) which is not cheap. I love the look of the EI Starter kit, but cannot have chemicals shipped to Australia.
Thank you
You'll need to look around for something like EL only that you can get in australia, Apart from that it's going to need to be liquid ferts and yes it will burn through your wallet.
you could buy the salts on there own and mix your own (its easier than you think)
Yea I saw a video, it looked  great. Just tracking it down will be hard is all. I've ordered some liquid ferts to tide me over, because my plants are a little sickly.
I can get potassium nitrate easily enough, finding potassium phosphate and chelated trace elements will be more difficult (at least online). Not sure about magnesium sulphate. What would be a good liquid macro fert? Buying 3 separate ones at nearly $20 a pop is the most inefficient thing I can think of.
mag sulphate is epsom salts i think, you can get a big bag of it for dish washing or cloths (i think) its something todo with washing so all you would need is potassium phosphate and trace 
I was able to track down all the macros on eBay surprisingly enough, by the kilogram and at good value.
I don't hold high hopes on finding chelated trace, so I may just dose with standard Seachem Flourish instead.
dredgy said:
I don't hold high hopes on finding chelated trace, so I may just dose with standard Seachem Flourish instead.
$4.50 for 100g which I believe is Rexolin APN - or you can get it direct from Duralite for $22/Kg
Okay fantastic, thank you! :)
Just to clarify before I order - with Magnesium Sulfate, do I want epsom salts (MgSO4.7H2O)? Or do I want the pure stuff (MgSO4)?
thats the same stuff.... its just hydrated... the .7h2o means its got 7 waters around it... its still a crystal  just waters been trapped in the lattice ( if i remember correctly from my chemistry)
Yeah you're correct, I just didn't want to affect measurements or anything like that. At any rate, everything's ordered - just as I got a bunch of plants in the mail so hopefully it goes alright.

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