Quick Help With My Anomone...


Fish Fanatic
May 16, 2007
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
this morning when i left my anomone was wide open, and looked very healthy, i just got a call from my wife saying that it looks like it has left the body and is now behind the rock where it was.... please help i cant find any info about this type of anomone... these are the pics that she sent me, originally it was out front of the rock and attached to that body that you see laying there in front know between the rocks.
Go to the invert section of the forum.
Is it shedding it skin,
Well anemone's do move around the tank sometimes and they can split. Check out This link and see if it helps you out. I don't believe it's your same anemone, however maybe it could give you insight as to the reproduction or something like that.
That's what's known as a Tube Anemone. They are non-photosynthetic and usually prefer darker areas of the tank. They are highly aggressive and require feedings of brine shrimp, mysis, or similar usually 3-5 times per week. I've never heard of one leaving its tube, so I've no idea if it will recover. Good luck though.
thanks alot for the info, just an update for you, when i got home, it was still in the same spot. before coming to conclusion of its dead i wanted to take a look and see if it actually lost its head or what happened so i had to totally dismantled my live rock cause of course it buried itself in under the rock, after 30 mins of making a big mess and trying not to stress my other fish i manage to get a good grip of it and pulled it up near the surface. he still had a body it must have sheded it skin but the problem was it was leaking like a mucus or sumthing from the body, i bagged it in the water and took it to my LFS. and they said it was dead, it wasnt moving at all. i guess thats what happens when you try and taking care of sumthing without knowing about it. RIP amomone. Much appriciate the help guys, there is a positive out of this experience though, when i was at my LFS i bought my very first piece or coral and an flaming angel.
what type of coral? pygmy or dwarf angels such as the flame angel will nip at some species of coral...
i got a small chuck of sand polyps and just last night bought some frogspawn, the flame took to the tank within the first few hours, it loves going in and out of all the caves in the tank, doesnt seemed to be bothered by anything or any fish.
Well, an FYI, flame angels seem to be most prone to nipping at open brain corals, some larger soft corals, and some SPS as well. Try and avoid those species with the flame in the tank

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