Quick Help ! ! Femle Betta Emergency


New Member
Apr 23, 2006
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One of my bettas who i have had for nearly a year now looks as though it's going to die. I found her today with no fins and upside down despertly trying to get air.

Have put her in a little bowl shallow enough for her to move about but can get air easily too. Look at the pic attached she looks dead but there is still life in her yet.

I have added a tiny bit of melfix (and i mean tiny) but is there anything else i can do ! i don't have any salt.

She was my first batch of females and have been living together hapily since i got them. I only had two. Why would the other one suddenly turn on her like this. Hve scouered the tank for thins she might of got caught on but nothing.

please please help
She has unfortunatly died. I think moving her finnished her off. The other female is going nutty in the tank totaly stressed out. I don't know wether or not to buy her a friend incase she eats that one aswell.

Do you think it was her that attacked my little one ? She really is stressing out since i took her friend out the tank.
sorry about your girl...put a mirror next to the other one for time being.
Good idea about the mirror, didn't think about that. Will try that for the time being.
I would doubt the other female did that, looks like disease :dunno: have you tested your water? I wouldn't buy anymore just yet till you see if the other one is going to be ok. Sorry you lost your girl :-(

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