Quick Food Question....


Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Norfolk , UK
I have 2 clowns and 2 firefish(firefish since saturday) in my tank at the moment and have been feeding them Formula one flake which they love and a frozen 'marine mix' which none of them seem too keen on(consists of brine shrimp,chopped fish and marine algea). I've set up a brine shrimp hatchery in a tiny tank in my shed this morning but obviously this is gonna take a few days.
What I would like to know is what else I should get in the way of food and more importantly can I feed them frozen bloodworm ,which I have loads of for my FW tanks. I've tried looking up about the bloodworm but cant seem to find a definate answer.
You can try feeding them bloodworm. Mine eat it, but some clown's are more picky about their food than a bratty 5 year old kid. Clownfish are pretty omnivorous though, so feed them anything they like.
Oh well the clowns both nipped at then ignored the bloodworm :( although the firefish ate a few and the cleaner shrimp went mad for them!

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