quick DP question


Fish Gatherer
Apr 29, 2005
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South Carolina... Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.
How much of a current does a DP like? I am thinking maybe the tank is too strong for them, as they tend to hold their tail side ways when they aren't swimming. I think maybe the current is pushing them around, so they use their tail to keep them still...
What do you think?
if its the tail bent at 90 degrees to the body, this seems to be a defence/attack posture, ready for a really quick burst of movement - my dp's seem to do it when theyre getting too close to each other for their liking, and my red-eyes assume this same kind of posture before they launch a quick attack at each other...

is the current really strong throughout the tank, or just around the filter outlet? i have two internal filters in my tank, one physically small filter with a strong current output, and another lower LPH/current filter with a much larger bilogical filtration area; my dp's dont seem bothered by the strong current around the output of the smaller filter
do they assume this posture more when they are near each other, or do they seem to do the same regardless of how close they are?

Also do they have any larger ornaments or plants to shelter behind, if the currents strong throughout the tank? I must admit mine only usually venture into the really strong currents when hunting down bloodworms.
there seems to be plenty of decor in there for them to hide about in anyway. i notice that the date on the pic is the 26th of this month - if you've only recently added them, they may still just be getting used to their new surroundings; unless they have nowhere to escape the current and are not being continuously buffetted about i wouldnt worry too much.

I feed mine frozen bloodworms - they took a little while to go for the straight away but soon got used to the idea that they are food. i do occasionally feed them live, and its great to see them hunting them down, but they seem to be happy enough with frozen - especially when they are dropped into the filter current, the movement seems to really encourage them to chase the bloodworms. I also feed them tiny snails a couple of times a week from my snail breeder tank
I tried to make sure it was planted pretty heavy so they would have hiding spaces. They are recent additions... I got them on the 24th.
As for the current, only one corner doesn't have much and there's no adjustment on the filter to make is slower. Maybe I should try one of those D-I-Y current reducers?
I feed mine frozen bloodworms too. The female got pretty spoiled the other day bc I gave them the snails. After that, she wouldn't hardly pay attention to the bloodworms!
I'm letting her go today w/o food though so maybe tomorrow she'll be more ready to try them again. :rolleyes:
Thanks for your help!!! I was worried something was wrong with them. I'll try to reduce the current a little bit and see if that helps.
Thanks again!

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