Quick Dog Question


Fish Crazy
Jul 23, 2004
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My dog, 9 or 10 years old now (poor dog also has a skin disease i forget the name of, but thats not the problem), has been lethargic all day (which is normal as we went on a 4 mile hike with him and his bad leg needs a rest) but he has also had his tounge sort of lolling out the whole time. It is very hot out and i was wondering if this was the reason or if he is sick. I have never observed this in him before thats why I'm worried.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Sounds entirely normal of an old(ish) dog & lots of excersise - especially if it was a hot or humid day :) But especially with older animals, regular vets check-ups to check for things like heart murmers are important :good:
Thank you very much for the help, set me at ease. Hes livening up now :D .
it will be the heat coupled with his age, plenty of water, maybe a cold wet towel draped over him will cool him down. You could also make doggy ice pops to keep him cool over the next few days. just get his favorite treats and put in a bowl with water and freeze, when he is hot pop one out run a little hot water over it (stop his tongue sticking to it :lol: ) and away you go

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